Monday 3 December 2012


It was my cameras 2nd Diwali last month and both he and me enjoyed it..I think :P
anyway my neighborhood really tries to its utmost to appear ,blue,red lights everywhere, it was like you landed in "light-land" (okay so that was not a very creatively thought name but you get the point :P) 
So from where I live you could see these powerful spotlights shooting into space, which I must confess, was the first time I'd seem them up close and they did fill me with absolute awe.

And then it was out time to decorate the house and I think we did really well...with candles on every possible shelf,on the ground, in the foyer even our neighbour joined in.Candles are my fav ! so I went nuts getting all possible of the colourful candles

Then while I was going nuts over candles I stumbled over this -

Isnt it just WOW ! I was talking this photograph at a low shutterspeed and I shook and then this magnificent masterpiece showed up on the screen that changed the way I would capture lights forever ! 
Its like this spark of light that's connecting all the candles ! 
well then i went nuts over this and got these amazing photographs 

Amazing innit ? And no editing what-so-ever ! 
And they are really easy to click ! Quoting my sister " all you have to do is move the camera in a symmetric manner after you click the click button (and keep a low shutterspeed)" and shes is like really small :P

Finally to end this Diwali post here is a picture of my sister overlooking some candles ...she had sit like that for 30 mins while i got all the settings right and captured the perfect picture.This the closet I've ever come to acting like a pro photographer which was nice :) 

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