Monday 3 December 2012


It was my cameras 2nd Diwali last month and both he and me enjoyed it..I think :P
anyway my neighborhood really tries to its utmost to appear ,blue,red lights everywhere, it was like you landed in "light-land" (okay so that was not a very creatively thought name but you get the point :P) 
So from where I live you could see these powerful spotlights shooting into space, which I must confess, was the first time I'd seem them up close and they did fill me with absolute awe.

And then it was out time to decorate the house and I think we did really well...with candles on every possible shelf,on the ground, in the foyer even our neighbour joined in.Candles are my fav ! so I went nuts getting all possible of the colourful candles

Then while I was going nuts over candles I stumbled over this -

Isnt it just WOW ! I was talking this photograph at a low shutterspeed and I shook and then this magnificent masterpiece showed up on the screen that changed the way I would capture lights forever ! 
Its like this spark of light that's connecting all the candles ! 
well then i went nuts over this and got these amazing photographs 

Amazing innit ? And no editing what-so-ever ! 
And they are really easy to click ! Quoting my sister " all you have to do is move the camera in a symmetric manner after you click the click button (and keep a low shutterspeed)" and shes is like really small :P

Finally to end this Diwali post here is a picture of my sister overlooking some candles ...she had sit like that for 30 mins while i got all the settings right and captured the perfect picture.This the closet I've ever come to acting like a pro photographer which was nice :) 

Thursday 20 September 2012


Now im not much of a microphotographer but i have a friend who is and i wondered what the whole hype is about, so i tried some on my own ..turns out its not oh-so-tough ! if you have a DSLR you can make almost anything look good and professional .Only have to get the composition right ,and of course, not be shy to sit in odd positions while trying to get a close up of your object in public!

Sunday 5 August 2012

Barney the Doggy (Part-II)

I was going throw my collection of Barney(My neighbours doggy) photos and i found so many more :D
Enjoy :)

Monday 23 July 2012

Barney the doggy

So it was my neighbours dogs first birthday this week, yaaaaaaaaay ! his names barney (yes, named after the famous barney stinson, and surprisingly pretty much taking after him as well :P )
He is one of my FAVORITE subjects , especially when hes asleep :)
anyway so here is one of puppy photographs and if this doesn't make you go - "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww", I wonder what will ?! ;) hope you like it :)

Friday 20 July 2012

The First Post

So this is my first blog and as we do it here in India ,I would to start with something holy.And so here my 1st photograph - taken in Haridwar during the arti of river Ganga.After that we have these young boys from the temple going around carrying lighted camphor for everyone to get the blessings and fortunately i got one of those moments from that holy time in the past right here on this blog .I've got quite  photos here but for me , the 1st is the star of the show.Hope you like it :)